Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Triumphantly we raise it the standard of our school
Oh may we ev’r be faithful to our Alma Mater’s rule
May Fortiter et Suaviter our motto ever be
May all we do, all we pursue proclaim nobility.

In former days what a mead of praise
Was by our students keen
And shall we of a later age be content with what is mean
No. Excelsior shall ever be our cry to greater heights more noble.
We’ll play the game not ask for fame
Ne’er hesitate for trouble.

As long as School days last nay more,
Until our life’s last breath
We’ll e’er be true, dear School to you
Aye, true to you till death.
So hoist the standard, raise it high,
Our ideals higher still,
For God and Country, Creed and School
We’ll work with ready will.
The school colours are blue and white like the mantle that adorns the Blessed Virgin Mary and the beautiful expanse of the blue sky with its fleecy clouds.    The school crest is at the centre, an emblem of pride and privilege.  The school flag that has gathered generation of students transcending barriers of race religion class and language is hoisted at all major functions.  We stand tall under the banner of the Good Shepherd.
The Crest 
The simple but beautiful white Lily is at the heart of the Crest. The white Lily is significant as it symbolizes renewed life, purity and the value of meaningful living. The green leaves add strength and dignity.

Thus the white Lily on a solitary strong stem, with the spread of green leaves captures the essence of the school motto – “Strength and Sweetness”. It is beauty in depth-delightful, refreshing, thoughtful, wisdom and harmony- essential attributes of a woman who walks in the way of the Good Shepherd. It is believed that the crest was design when the school was preparing to celebrate 50 golden years.
The Latinate phrase “Fortiter et Suaviter” engraved in the heart of every true Shepherdian is unspoken but self-evident something rich and beautiful.

“Strength and Sweetness” is human, spiritual, divine helping to broaden and deepen the meaning of life and enriching all human relationships.

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